The major programmes undertaken under LADP 2013 – 2017 are:

- Various tools and implements have been freely distributed to the skilled workers for all the 24 villages under LADP (2013 – 17). The objective is to give more impetus to those already practicing the trade and in need of better equipments like carpentry, saloon, handicrafts, blacksmith, tailoring, garage, support to groceries & other entrepreneurship.
- It also provides incentives various primary activities like animal husbandry, fisheries and horticulture.
- The programme aims to refine the skills and increase production, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is to ensure marketability, both at the local as well as the international level. With this vision, high-quality tools have been distributed. This has been supplemented by educational tours and workshops.
This very optimistic vision will definitely open avenues for more ventures and entrepreneurship for everyone, especially the young to utilize their latent skills and talents to the maximum. The programme aims to embrace more activities and provide them the facility for more proficiency in their trade.
- Under the project, 298 piglets were distributed to 110 beneficiaries covering all 24 villages in the sub-division. This project is implemented on the concept of sharing, where each beneficiary is bound to contribute 3 piglets to another family/individual when the pig litters, thus creating a cyclical pattern where the whole village will slowly be covered.
- This initiative will hopefully have a rippling effect for economic progress and encourage individuals and families to take up large-scale piggery projects whereby the area can become self-sufficient and gradually produce enough to explore outside the sub-division.

- The Eco Rides – Cycle Network (ECRN) was launched during Thuwuni 2015 under LADP where 100 bicycles were procured and distributed to 24 villages under Pughoboto Sub-Division.
- The brain behind concept envisioned a convenient and eco-friendly connectivity and mobility between the villages and nearby towns at minimum cost.
- The Eco Rides – Cycle network is in operation under the Supervision of the ADC Office Pughoboto. Monitoring mechanism has been set in a place where the operators under the supervision of Village Council are required to submit reports on use, maintenance of the bicycle, revenue generated, expenditure, etc.
- The ECRN has proved to be very useful and successful in some villages while in some the ECRN could not be put to optimum use due to the terrain and topography of the village. Thorough survey is being undertaken by the ADC Office Pughoboto to reassess feasibility and practicality of the eco rides whereby the Bicycle may be recalled back from those villages where it is not practical.
- To beautify, protect and conserve nature and minimise the effects of climate change and also encourage commercial plantation for economic gain, the “Green Pughoboto” programme was launched in 2016 under LADP. A massive tree plantation drive was carried out on 5th May 2016 where 17000 saplings were planted across 24 villages under Pughoboto Sub-Division. All SDPDB members were assigned one or more villages, where they were to liaise with the Village Councils and organize plantation drives. The plantation programme was met with a lot of enthusiasm and was a huge success.
- The second plantation was carried out on 12th may 2017 in all the 24 villages with the Village Council and Youth Volunteers overseeing the plantation drive. All the Government Departments also participated in the plantation at the mini-secretariat area. A total of 10,000 saplings where planted.
- The third plantation was carried out in 2018 in all the 24 villages including Pughoboto town in June.
The fourth plantation was carried out in May-June 2019 but this time all the villages were asked to earmark a “community owned forest” in their respective villages where mass plantation of commercial species of trees were given and planted.

- Beyond Books (BB) is a group of young like-minded, young Aphuyemi intellectuals, with an aim and a vision to focus and encompass greater learning both within and outside book knowledge. To contribute, to the realization of the dreams and aspirations for the betterment of young Aphuyemis. A visionary drive with a focus to provide platforms to youngsters with special talents; to enlighten young minds to a sea of opportunities that awaits, beyond and after their scholastic academics.
- Beyond books is the fifth programme under LADP as part of Thuwu-Ni Pughoboto Initiative. It was formally launched on 8th June 2017 at Govt. High School Pughoboto. It is funded under LADP (2013-17).
- ‘Beyond Books’ continues to sensitize the little great minds to a host of inherent uniquegifts that each individual has and contributes to the realization of dreams and aspirations for the betterment of young Aphuyemis.
- The literal meaning of “Thuwu-ni is To Grow or To Progress”. Thuwu-ni Festival (held in the month of November 2nd week every year ) is a conscious initiative by a group of people to make for the socio-economic development of Pughoboto sub-division.
- The Festival is celebrated in the form of a FAIR. Utmost endeavor is made to showcase finished products, both agricultural and otherwise to a broad spectrum of prospective consumers. Efforts will be given to impart training to the skilled and the talented, the nurturing of which is deemed as a necessary preclusion towards the full realization of inherent or acquired skills and talents. The Festival continues to provide counseling facilities and impart relevant knowledge to the people to deal with human problems such as diseases, hygiene, and interpersonal relationships, with emphasis on adolescents and people with special needs.
- Another focus of this festival is the development and promotion of games and sports, with special attention to those of Indigenous origin. Efforts are being made to codify and regulate previously unregulated Indigenous games, thus enabling the game to adapt to modern trends. This will also serve to provide a platform to talented sportspersons to showcase their skills and improve chances of building careers.
- Recognizing that harmony is intrinsic to our culture, the festival continues to make every effort to promote indigenous music and songs. With the collaboration of established musicians and singers, the festival will seek to identify and promote local talents in the field of music. The festival will also strive to provide a platform to budding musicians, both Indigenous and Contemporary to hone their talents to a larger audience.
- Thuwu-ni festival is conceived to be an annual event, till such time as the collective deems it beneficial to the people. It’s definitive purpose then, will be to eradicate the chronic economic dependence on external dynamics for sustenance, facilitate the availing of alternative employment for the youth and ultimately build a productive, progressive and conscientious society based on diligence and industriousness.
- The introductory edition of Thuwu-ni festival (2014) was funded under the Local Area Development Programme (LADP), with the understanding that the objectives of the festival is for the benefit of the whole and is a higher form of socio-economic development, often neglected in favor of physical development. The festival shall strive in subsequent editions, to be self-sustained by generating resources of its own.

- Renovation of indoor badminton stadium at Pughoboto
- Construction of rostrum at Natsumi
- Construction of rostrum at Kichilimi
- Construction of rostrum at Asukiqa
- Construction of rostrum at Kitami
- Construction of rostrum at Ghokimi
- Construction of rostrum at Mukalimi
- Construction of rostrum at Shesulimi
- Construction of rostrum at Pughoboto
- Installation of Pipeline at Asukiqa
- Construction of waiting shed at NST, Pughoboto
- Construction of waiting shed at NST, Ghathashi
- Construction of waiting shed at NST, Asukiqa
- Construction of 2 Storey multipurpose building at Lazami
- Extension of Pughoboto Playground
- Construction of Tubewell at Lazami
- Construction of culvert at Ighanumi Village
- Repair and Maintenance of RD Hall, Pughoboto
- Repair of GHS Pughoboto
- Donation of benches and desks to GHS Pughoboto.
- Table Tennis Board donated to GMS Asukiqa, Ghathashi Council, ADC office Pughoboto.
- A Projector was provided to the SDPDP, Pughoboto.
LADP (ongoing)
- Construction of rostrum at Lazami
- Construction of rostrum at Chishilimi
- Construction of Marketing shed at Chishili-Chisholi Jn.
- Construction of Marketing shed at Mukali- Shesuli Jn.
- Construction of public toilet at Pughoboto